Ewelina Kluza
Ewelina Kluza (PhD in 2011) defended her PhD thesis on molecular imaging of angiogenesis and therapy monitoring in cancer in 2011 at TU/e. For subsequent two years, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Radiology Department, Maastricht UMC and focused on vascular imaging in rectal cancer patients. In 2013, she moved to the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, where she further expanded her expertise in nanomedicine and imaging in the group of prof. Neeman. She subsequently joined a newly established group of prof. Mulder at Amsterdam UMC, where she supervised several PhD students, specialized in advanced microscopy techniques and co-organised the nanomedicine and imaging bachelor course. From 2019, she works in the Precision Medicine group of prof. Mulder at TU/e, which primary goal is to rationally design nanobiologics for the immune system modulation. She supervises and practically contributes to the projects on the RNA and cytokine delivery to myeloid immune cells, and, part-time, she continues her research line on advanced imaging of atherosclerosis at Amsterdam UMC.