Frank van de Veerdonk

Frank van de Veerdonk is professor of Immunotherapy of Infectious Diseases and leads the Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine at the Radboudumc. His research focuses on understanding the immune recognition and pathophysiology of severe fungal infections, and he described mechanisms through which Aspergillus evades immune recognition (PLoS Pathogens, 2014). He also described important novel immunodeficiencies such as STAT-1 deficiency in chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (NEJM 2011) and TLR7 deficiency in COVID-19 (JAMA 2021). During the last decade he developed a program for immunotherapy of infectious diseases, pioneering new therapies such as IL-1 blockade in chronic granulomatous diseases (PNAS 2014), and the use of immunotherapeutic approaches in COVID-19 (Nature Med 2022). He is coordinator of the first immunotherapy trial in severe fungal infections (HDM-FUN).