Jorge Domínguez Andrés

Jorge Domínguez Andrés (1988) studied Pharmacy (University of Salamanca, Spain) achieving the highest score in the country, receiving the National Award for Excellence in Academic Performance. He completed his qualifications at the Hôpital Nord Laennec (Nantes, France) and at the University of Navarra (Pamplona, Spain). In 2017, he defended his PhD thesis on monocyte responses in fungal infections at the University Autónoma of Madrid, Spain (cum laude and Best Thesis Award). Later that year he joined the team of Prof. Mihai Netea at the Radboudumc, where he supervises several PhD and master students and co-ordinates the host-microbe interactions master course at the Radboud University. His main research interests focus on the role of metabolites and epigenetic factors in the modulation of the immune response against pathogens, the study of mechanisms leading to long-term reprogramming of cells of the innate immune system and the elucidation of molecular mechanisms controlling the inflammatory response. He is a lecturer in different bachelor and master programs about infection and immunity (VUmc, UU, RU) and regularly collaborates with different media (press, radio, TEDx). He is a member of the Radboud Young Academy and was recently awarded a Veni grant for the project “Time for a boost: metabolic potentiation of vaccines”.