Maarten Merkx

I am a professor in protein engineering and dean of the department of Biomedical Engineering. My group operates at the interface of protein engineering, chemical biology and synthetic biology and develops biomolecular sensors and actuators for applications in intracellular imaging, point-of-care diagnostics, and antibody-based therapies. I obtained HFSP, VIDI, and several ERC grants (consolidator, 2x PoC) and also have substantial experience in collaborative research consortia at the national (CTMM, NanoNext, RAAK) and European level (EuroTech, NextDx, ITN CONSENSE).  I supervised 20+ PhD and 50+ MSc students, am an associate editor of ACS Sensors, co-founded the start-up Lumabs BV and was awarded the prize for the best TU/e teacher at the master level in 2012.