Michiel Vermeulen
Michiel Vermeulen obtained his PhD in the laboratory of Henk Stunnenberg at the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, where he mainly focused on the functional characterization of transcriptional co-repressor complexes. In 2005 he moved to Munich to join the lab of Matthias Mann. There, he pioneered the application of quantitative mass spectrometry technology to identify proteins that specifically interact with post-translational modifications on core histones. In 2009 he was appointed as assistant professor and in 2013 as associate professor at the University Medical Center Utrecht in The Netherlands, where he continued to use quantitative mass-spectrometry to study proteins that interact with chromatin. In 2014 he was appointed full professor at the Radboud University Nijmegen, where his main research focus is to apply integrative omics approaches to study gene expression regulation in development and disease. The pioneering (interaction) proteomics technology developed by the Vermeulen lab is greatly appreciated by the scientific community, as evidenced by a large number of collaborative studies with leading (inter)national scientists. He was awarded a prestigious ERC Starting Grant in 2012 and an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2017. In 2017, Michiel Vermeulen was elected as one of the 43 founding members of the Oncode Institute, a new virtual institute dedicated to fundamental cancer research (www.oncode.nl). In 2019 he was elected as a member of Academia Europaea.