Patricia Dankers

Patricia Dankers is professor in Biomedical Materials & Chemistry at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). After studying chemistry in Nijmegen, I performed my PhD studies at TU/e on supramolecular biomaterials (2006). After acquiring a second PhD in medical sciences on kidney regenerative medicine, in Groningen (2013), I climbed every step of the academic ladder, starting in 2008, ending in 2017 as full professor. I am the recipient of Veni, Vidi (2008, 2017) and ERC starting, ERC PoC (2012, 2017) grants. I have been awarded the KNCV Gold Medal (2020) and the Ammodo Award for Fundamental Science (2021). I am a co-founder of the spin-off companies UPyTher (2020) and VivArt-X (2022).