Yang Li

Yang Li (PhD in 2010) leads the Computational Biology for Infection group at the Radboudumc. Her research focuses on integrating multi-omics and single cell omics data to study the interaction of genetic background and environment, and its contribution to infection and immune-related diseases. Systems genetics/immunology and machine learning approaches are used to investigate how genetic risk factors of the host and their downstream molecular pathways determine and predict the human immune functions, which are crucial to treat immune-related diseases in an individualized manner. For her research, Yang Li has received several personal grants, including NWO-VENI (2013), ZonMw-Offroad (2016), Radboudumc-Hypatia (2018) and NWO-Aspasia (2020). Recently, she just received the prestigious ERC Starting Grant “ModVaccine” on improving vaccine efficiency and an H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020 consortium grant on genetic regulation of immune response.