
January, 2024

Multi-omics analysis of innate and adaptive responses to BCG vaccination reveals epigenetic cell states that predict trained immunity

Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is one of the world’s oldest and most widely used vaccines. It was developed in the early 20th century to provide protection from tuberculosis. Surprisingly, this vaccine protects not only against tuberculosis but also reduces the risk for various other infections, through a mechanism called trained immunity. A new study led by Christoph Bock (CeMM Vienna) and Mihai Netea (Radboudumc) found that epigenetic cell states predict whether or not an individual profits from the “wake-up call” to the innate immune system that is provided by the BCG vaccine. This discovery contributes to the development of future therapeutics that induce protective trained immunity (Immunity 2024; 57:171-187).

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November, 2023

Six TU/e researchers appointed fellows of the new Netherlands Academy of Engineering

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August 1, 2023

Hoe beïnvloedt stress de kans op hart- en vaatziekten?

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June 30, 2023

NIAID grant of over $15 million

June 30, 2023 What role plays trained immunity in transplanted organ rejection? NIAID grant of over $15 million

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June 8, 2023

Therapy targeting specific immune cells appears promising for sepsis

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Nieuwe behandelmethoden tegen kanker en heftige ontstekingsreacties, of een hogere slagingskans bij orgaantransplantaties. De Eindhovense wetenschapper Willem Mulder ziet tal van medische mogelijkheden voor immuuntherapie. Een nieuwe broedplaats moet die ideeën tot wasdom brengen.

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5th International Symposium on Innate Immune Memory

The 5th International Symposium on Innate Immune Memory will take place between May 29-31 2024 in Naples, Italy.
The conference will feature the latest discovery in the novel field of innate immune memory/trained immunity and will host a number of internationals experts in the field including Triantafyllos Chavakis, Chiara Romagnani, Bali Pulendran, Yang Li, Maziar Divangahi, and many others.

6th International Symposium on Trained Immunity / Innate Immune Memory

The 6th International Symposium on Trained Immunity / Innate Immune Memory will take place on November 13th-15th 2024 in Dresden, Germany.

The conference webpage:, and by subscribing on the conference website you can receive updates. Registration and abstract submission will be opening starting June 2024.

The conference can be followed on social media at:

info and registration